Now let me introduce you to my friend Tommy. Hes a manly man, he can fix anything, wears cowboy boots and is not afraid to show a lady his new boxers. Tommy however has always had one want, request I guess you could say. He has always said that he wants a bead. I know he has about 10 more years until that happens, but I couldn't tell him that!
Kelly invited us over for a dinner date, ohh laa laa. First date I have been on in a long time, and I didn't have to cook or clean. Of course if you ask Zoe her details of the night would be something like... "I don't want meat in my mac and cheese!!!!" Ha ha, now Zoe has a hate for cows, well eating them anyway. She has no issues with eating pig that is for sure.
Any who! So, back to Tommy and his need for facial hair. I have been saying since October that I was going to make him a beard, well better late then never. Now you know of course I had to make the girls one too. Here they are showing them off.
I also added the beards to my etsy shop (hopefully Kelly doesn't mind Tommy being a male model for felt facial hair). I am sure there is a little boy or girl that needs a beard out there. lol